Key Business Question
Evaluate if a new advertising message will resonate with consumers and motivate purchase of a well-established brand and beverage product.
Determine if the new message communicates the product’s core benefits.
Identify the creative elements that are most relevant and fit with the new message.
Our Approach
To accomplish the research objectives, we conducted a total of 8 focus groups in Boston and Chicago among current drinkers, lapsed drinkers and non-drinkers of the beverage product.
Insights Uncovered
Our client and their agency learned that the proposed new message did resonate among the key target groups. In addition, the message was consistent with the brand’s equity and the product’s benefits.
In addition, we identified the tone and sense of humor that was required to make the message resonate among targeted audiences.
The client used the findings from the research to develop their 2018 advertising campaign for the beverage product.